Joel Wright


Invitation to Serve – FWJ 45

Brothers! You are invited to serve on the team of FaithWalk Jackson 45. I am excited to have you as part of this team and even more excited to see what the Lord has in store for us. The walk will be held September 12th-15th at Lakeshore Camp & Retreat Center in Eva, Tennessee. Team meetings will begin on August 1st at West Jackson Baptist Church in Jackson. Team meetings will be as follows:

Thursday August 1st 6-9pm
Thursday August 8th 6-9pm
Thursday August 15th 6-9pm
Thursday August 22nd 6-9 pm
Thursday August 29th 6-9pm
Thursday September 5th 6-9pm

If you wish to serve as part of this team, please respond by text message to me, Eddie Kiestler, or Jonathan Johnson. Please include your name in the message as we may not have your numbers in our phones.

Paul Newman

Eddie Kiestler

Jonathan Johnson

If we have not received a response from you by July 1st then we will fill spots from our waiting list of potential servants.

Have a blessed day!

Paul Newman
FWJ 19
FWJ 45 Lay Leader

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FWJ 43 Team Update

Hello Men,

Thank you for being part of the Team for FaithWalk Jackson 43! We’re excited to serve alongside each of you and to see what the Lord is going to do.

As a reminder, our Walk will be April 11-14 at The Lakeshore Campground. The Team meetings will begin February 22nd and we will meet each Thursday night until the Walk begins. The meetings will be held at West Jackson Baptist Church.

The dates for Team meetings are as follows:

Thursday, February 22 6pm

Thursday, February 29 6pm

Thursday, March 7 6pm

Thursday, March 14 6pm

Thursday, March 21 6pm

Thursday, March 28 6pm

Thursday, April 4 6pm – Commissioning

Team Fees this year are $220 dollars and will be due no later than the start of the 3rd meeting. Feel free to pay online on the FaithWalk website or you can pay by cash or check at the team meetings.

There are still openings for believers so if you haven’t already, begin praying about who God would have you to encourage for this coming walk. Also, please login to the FaithWalk website and get a jump on the prayer vigil for the ladies. How awesome would it be if we could fill the prayer vigil for #44 before meetings even begin.

Please be diligent in prayer for this Walk – for the Believers, for our Team, and for the leadership. We know our Father has great plans for every man that sets foot on the campground and our prayer is that through each of us, He be glorified!

We look forward to getting together with you to fellowship and worship as we prepare for FWJ 43!

See you soon!

Zack Zehner
Lay Leader

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FWJ43 Team Invitation to Serve

Dear Brother,

I would like to officially invite you to be part of the FaithWalk Jackson #43 team! The weekend is April 11-14, 2024. It will be necessary for you to attend all of the Team meetings, as well as the entire weekend. We have a lot of work ahead of us! We will do our best to begin and end on-time so if you can, please try to arrive a little early to our meetings.

We ask that you approach this weekend prayerfully and to come with a spirit of expectation! We are going to come together to make this the best walk possible for these Believers.

The training meetings will be held Hillcrest Baptist Church – 2838 Paul Coffman Drive Jackson, TN 38301. The actual dates for each meeting are listed below.

Thursday, Feb 22, 2024 6pm – 9pm (dinner provided)
Thursday, Feb 29, 2024 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Thursday, March 7, 2024 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Thursday, March 14, 2024 6:pm – 8:30pm
Thursday, March 21, 2024 6:pm – 8:30pm
Thursday, March 28, 2024 6:pm – 8:30pm
Thursday, April 4, 2024 6pm – 9pm (Commissioning)
Thursday-Sunday April 11 – 14, FWJ #43

The purpose of our meetings is to develop our unity and community within the body of Christ. The success of the weekend is greatly impacted by the oneness that our team projects to the Believers. In this environment, the love of the Lord is projected above the love of individuals. We will use the training time to truly become a team. We will get to know each other, plan the weekend, preview talks, and train for the respective roles we will serve in during the weekend.

It does cost each team member $220.00. Team fees are due by or before the third team meeting (March 7). Team fees can be paid at the meetings or at any time through the FaithWalk Jackson website. If you need to make special payment arrangements, please let us know as soon as possible.

As part of your acceptance of this calling, please begin praying now. Please pray for our team and for the Believers. We can do nothing apart from His Spirit. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for all of us on FWJ #43!

Lastly, I would appreciate your response to this invitation by December 10th. Please respond back either by call or text to Joey Drake at (731)432-0231. Without a response from you and a strong commitment to all the above, your place cannot be reserved on this team.

In His service,

Zack Zehner
Lay Leader – FaithWalk Jackson 43

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