Joel Wright


Revised Fees and Spring 2023 Walk Info

After a cost review of our men’s and women’s walks post covid, the FaithWalk Jackson Secretariat is implementing a fee increase for servants and believers. The new team and believer fee will be $220 effective with the Spring 2023 Walks. This increase is primarily in response to rising costs of food, supplies and materials. With the exception of Agape, this new fee will cover the entire cost of serving. The budget allowances for each area on a walk (snack, dining, chapel, etc.) will be adjusted accordingly so that no team member will be expected to spend their own money for supplies for their area. This increase will also allow us to build reserve for future community expenses related to A/V equipment, trailer repair & maintenance, insurance and other contingencies.

We know this increase could possibly cause a financial imposition on some in our community, especially for those sponsoring a believer as well as serving on a walk. By making the new fee all-inclusive, we hope it will soften the impact.

On a more positive note, we would like to announce that the Spring 2023 Walks will be at Lakeshore again and the dates are April 13-16 for the men and April 20-23 for the women. Signups for both Walks will open tomorrow.

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FWJ 37 Prayer Times

On Thursday, after you arrive at Lakeshore, the Prayer team plans to pray over every team member, with their team, in preparation for the weekend before the Believers arrive. We have a BIG weekend ahead! Let us take every opportunity to bathe FWJ37 in prayer. Below is the schedule of times and locations that the Prayer Team will meet with each area. This will be a very busy day for everyone, so be sure to make note of your time. It is imperative that we stay on schedule. If anyone has a conflict, please let Todd Tummins know so we can work you in.

Prayer Times:

1:00pm – Prayer (Kaigler Cottage)
1:15pm – Leadership (Kaigler Cottage)

All other areas will be prayed over in the prayer room in the Conference Center.

1:50pm – Worship and Media
2:00pm – Conference
2:10pm – Snack
2:20pm – Table Leaders
2:30pm – Assistant Table leaders
2:40pm – Agape
2:50pm – Residence and Runner
3:00pm – Chapel
3:10pm – Dining
3:20pm – Pastors

Please bathe Lakeshore in prayer. Pray over EVERY area where these Believers will be. PRAY and PRAY some more!

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FaithWalk Communities Annual Meeting-Final Reminder

Jackson will be hosting the Annual Meeting of FaithWalk Communities. The meeting will be tomorrow at West Jackson Baptist Church. It will start at 11:00 with lunch (love offering taken up to help cover costs of meal), followed by the meeting. There will be people there from all FaithWalk Communities and we are counting on a big turnout from Jackson! Please make plans to attend now! The meeting will resemble a huge FaithWalk Gathering- food, fellowship and worship. Bro. David Smith will share the awesome story of how FaithWalk started. We also will be sharing some of the best ideas and methods we’ve found -throughout all communities- for running many of the areas and some of the other aspects of FaithWalk. Anyone who has attended or has worked a FaithWalk Weekend is invited.

Also- at 5:00 today, many of those traveling in will share a meal at The Old Country Store (56 Casey Jones Ln, Jackson, TN 38305). We have the back area reserved and anyone who wants to come is invited..

In the grip of His Grace,

Mike Duck

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