
Volunteer For Upcoming Walks

Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Walks
Walk Dates Sept 12-15 & Sept 19-22

There are many ways to serve your Faithwalk Jackson Community and we are listing a few of those opportunities. Please text Leta Webb,
731-267-4168, to sign up. I will answer any questions or concerns.

SENDOFF MEAL: Thursday night sendoff meal is at WJBC, and you will need to arrive at 4:00. To serve in this area, please sign up on the FWJ

LUGGAGE TRANSPORT: This involves loading and hauling the Luggage Trailer from WJBC to the campground on Thursday and again on
Sunday from the campground to WJBC. This requires a truck capable of hauling the trailer. You will need to arrive at WJBC by 4:30 on Thursday and pick it up Sunday morning at the campground. Text me if you want to serve in this area.

TRANSPORTATION: Driving these buses or vans to and from the campground is a great way to serve. If your church is willing to donate
their resources and you are willing to serve by driving, please contact me. Serve either Thursday or Sunday. We are blessed with many different congregations, and we need  your information to call on you. There are two buses used for each trip. Please contact me ASAP so we can get
these dates booked and cleared with your church. The times for pickups are Thursday 5:45 and Sunday at 12:30.

Don’t forget prayer and parking opportunities also. There is a place on the website to sign up.

Thank you for serving so faithfully,
Leta Webb
Pre-Weekend Committe
731-267-4168 (text preferred)

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Our Spring Gathering is Here!

We are so excited to see you tonight, Saturday, June 1st, at 6 PM in the fellowship hall at West Jackson Baptist Church. (The address is 580 Oil Well Road, Jackson, Tennessee.)

We really hope you can join us for the wonderful time of fellowship and worship!

Here’s a reminder about food. Please bring the requested dishes based on the first letter of your last name. Drinks will be provided.

A – I: Vegetables, Salads, or any Side Dish
J – S: Meat
T – Z: Desserts
Board Members – Bread

This Gathering is only for individuals who have attended a 4th Day weekend. Please remember to wear your badge and that there is no childcare available.

See you there!

Much Love!

Lynn Sterling, FWJ #10
4th Day Chair

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Fall 2024 Lay Leaders

The FaithWalk Jackson Secretariat is pleased to announce the Lay Leaders for FaithWalk Jackson 45 and 46:

Paul Newman and Heather Williams

Please remember Paul and Heather in your prayers as they seek The Lord’s will in assembling these teams! Both walks will be held at the Lakeshore Campground in Eva, TN. Signups are now open and September may seem far away, however it will be here before we know it! It is time to begin planning now. Paul and Heather will be forming their teams in the coming weeks preparing for the walks and so they need to know SOON who will be willing and available to work. To serve on these weekends, community members are encouraged to sign up at https://faithwalk as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support of the FaithWalk ministry and for your willingness to serve. Please pray for each of these lay leaders and for the men and women who will experience the great love of God on these Fall weekends.


In His service
FWJ Secretariat


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