
Fall 2024 Lay Leaders

The FaithWalk Jackson Secretariat is pleased to announce the Lay Leaders for FaithWalk Jackson 45 and 46:

Paul Newman and Heather Williams

Please remember Paul and Heather in your prayers as they seek The Lord’s will in assembling these teams! Both walks will be held at the Lakeshore Campground in Eva, TN. Signups are now open and September may seem far away, however it will be here before we know it! It is time to begin planning now. Paul and Heather will be forming their teams in the coming weeks preparing for the walks and so they need to know SOON who will be willing and available to work. To serve on these weekends, community members are encouraged to sign up at https://faithwalk as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support of the FaithWalk ministry and for your willingness to serve. Please pray for each of these lay leaders and for the men and women who will experience the great love of God on these Fall weekends.


In His service
FWJ Secretariat


Fall 2024 Lay Leaders Read More »

Nominating Committee Recommendations

Dear FaithWalk Jackson Community,

A Nominating Committee was formed to make recommendations of candidates to fill upcoming vacancies on the FaithWalk Jackson Community Board. The positions to be filled are Vice Chair, 4th Day Chair, Weekend Chair and Secretary. After prayerful consideration, this year’s Nominating Committee is pleased to announce their recommendation as follows:

Vice Chair: Gary Moore
4th Day Chair: Jo Ann Magyari
Weekend Chair: Johnny Bear
Secretary: Jill Gibson

If any community member desires to nominate any other individuals for one of these positions, those write-in nominations need to be submitted no later than May 15, and must be signed and dated by the member making the nomination.

If additional write-in nominees are submitted, those individuals will be contacted and eligibility confirmed. The Community will be notified by May 22 if any write-in nominations are made.

Details for presentation of candidates for Community vote will be sent out at a later time. If there are no write-in nominations made, the slate presented by the Nominating Committee shall be voted on; as submitted, by voice vote by the Community.

Thank you and God bless

Faithwalk Jackson Secretariat


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FaithWalk Jackson 2024 Nominating Committee

Hello FWJ community!

As our Lay Leaders, Zack Zehner and Kippi Jordan, are busy preparing for their upcoming spring walks, you may find yourself looking for a place to serve.  The prayer wall is such a blessing to believers and I encourage you to sign up today.

In June 2024, we will see the term of 4 of our board officers come to a close-

Secretary, Weekend Chair, Forth Day Chair and Vice Chair.   To begin the process of finding our new officers, a Nominating Committee must be commissioned. With that in mind, on behalf of the FaithWalk Jackson Secretariat, I am pleased to announce the nominating committee, which will begin to seek nominees for these 4 board positions.

The FaithWalk Jackson 2024 Nominating Committee is:

Joanna Vick, Rachel Jeter, Daniel Magyari,
Danny Coley, Chad Gibson, David Nuckolls
Tammy Farris

We thank them for their willingness to serve in this role and ask everyone to please be in prayer for these committee members as they seek the people God has chosen.

In His shadow,

Todd Tummins



FaithWalk Jackson 2024 Nominating Committee Read More »

Just a few announcements

January 23, 2024
Important message for the
Faithwalk Jackson Community:

Effective immediately, signing up for the walks as a new believer can only be done online. The paper application will no longer be accepted.  Making this change will be beneficial to the applicant and the registrars.  Payments can be mailed in or paid online.  Keep encouraging new believers to attend FWJ.
If there are questions, feel free to contact the board on the website,
Now is a great time for you to make sure your information is correct and update your contact information.
Also, take this opportunity to sign up to serve in areas such as the prayer wall, parking and the send off dinners.
Serve the Lord with a pure heart and a steadfast spirit in 2024!


In His service

FWJ Secretariat


Just a few announcements Read More »