Nominating Committee Recommendations

Dear FaithWalk Jackson Community,

A Nominating Committee was formed to make recommendations of candidates to fill upcoming vacancies on the FaithWalk Jackson Community Board. The positions to be filled are Vice Chair, 4th Day Chair, Weekend Chair and Secretary. After prayerful consideration, this year’s Nominating Committee is pleased to announce their recommendation as follows:

Vice Chair: Gary Moore
4th Day Chair: Jo Ann Magyari
Weekend Chair: Johnny Bear
Secretary: Jill Gibson

If any community member desires to nominate any other individuals for one of these positions, those write-in nominations need to be submitted no later than May 15, and must be signed and dated by the member making the nomination.

If additional write-in nominees are submitted, those individuals will be contacted and eligibility confirmed. The Community will be notified by May 22 if any write-in nominations are made.

Details for presentation of candidates for Community vote will be sent out at a later time. If there are no write-in nominations made, the slate presented by the Nominating Committee shall be voted on; as submitted, by voice vote by the Community.

Thank you and God bless

Faithwalk Jackson Secretariat


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