Prayer Request

Hello you beautiful Blood Bought Sons and Daughters of THE King;

With all the noise and news coming at us from the world it is easy to become distracted, distraught and afraid, but God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
The FaithWalk Jackson Board wants to encourage you, our brothers and sisters, to turn down the noise and news from the world and focus on the “Good News”; God is in control and HE IS GOOD!

We have three walks rapidly approaching that need to be bathed in prayer and we have been given the power to call down the Spirit in power on these walks. There are believers that will be attending the walks that need to hear from their Father, He has made an appointment to meet with them and they need US to pray them through.
Pray for the teams as they meet and prepare their hearts to serve; pray for the believers that will be attending even the ones that don’t yet know they will be. Sign up for the “Prayer Vigil” Pray community! Pray and then pray some more.

We love you,

~FaithWalk Jackson Board

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