Update on Hayden Smith

Good morning!  With David and Rachael’s consent, I wanted to update you all on Hayden.  His wife Ashley posted this on the community page Hope 4 Hayden on Facebook last night…..

“God is so so good!!  He is hearing our prayers, y’all!!!.  The nurse called and said his kidneys are healing!!! They want to take him off of the CRRT (continuous dialysis) machine possibly tomorrow (today).  GOD IS HEALING!!!… Pain management is our largest obstacle at this point……. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of prayers and love and support.  I will NEVER be able to repay or thank you!”
He is not out of the woods yet, but JESUS is hearing us and Hayden is improving.  I BELIEVE FOR IT!!!!!  David and Rachael thank you all from the bottoms of their hearts for the outpouring of love and support.  They feel all of your prayers and thoughts for their boy.  If you would like to keep up with updates and send your thoughts and prayers for Ashley and the family to read when they can, please join the Hope 4 Hayden Facebook page.   Let them know they are NOT alone in this.

Thank you again, and love to our community,

Heather Hahn
Ministry Assistant Faith Arlington
FaithWalk #82 Table of Esther

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